Visit1On 4 February 2014, Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK), Limited was delighted to host a meeting to announce the investment of £32million in its Carrickfergus plant, creating 100 new jobs, with support from Invest Northern Ireland.

Ryobi Chairman, Hiroshi Urakami, flew from Japan to attend the event, and greeted guests, who included First Minister Peter Robinson, deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster, Invest NI Chief Executive Alastair Hamilton, and Invest NI Director Kevin McCann.

John Hughes, Managing Director, briefed visitors on the company’s growth and future plans, and the Ministers and guests were given a short tour of the facility to view the die casting machines and the new robot-operated machinery.  The Ministers then addressed the media in the training room.

Details of the announcement, as well as video footage and photographs of the visit appeared on the local TV news and in the local newspapers.

Please watch out for future job opportunities on the company recruitment website.

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